
Jade Beckles

Diversity & Inclusion Manager

Jades career has included being a Police Detective for 16 years, specialising in child protection and domestic abuse. This position, and her lived experience as a black woman has enabled her to educate and inspire meaningful and long-lasting change within D&I. Joining us Jade now works in close partnership with the Senior Leadership team to ensure that we are at the forefront of driving positive and disruptive thought leadership and innovation around D&I, which drives impact and influences change both internally and across our public sector clients.

Sitting on both the Strategy & Marketing and HR team, she advises on diversity and inclusion to ensure maximum internal and external influence.

Her valuable experience providing D&I consultation to Police, NHS, local government, schools, and local businesses impresses upon the importance of a holistic approach to employee’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. One important focus is on highlighting the dangers of racial disparities and insufficient diversity, especially within public sector.

Jade attended and consulted at Steering Groups and Critical Incident Meetings, providing policy and procedure review, and critical friendship to organisations, public and private sector.

She has created and managed employee support networks, collaborating across networks such as race, women’s, LGBT+, Gypsy/Roma/Traveller, faith based and disability, to understand and support intersectionality. Jade has also delivered lessons and training inputs to the education sector, providing anti-racism, hate crime and inclusion awareness to all ages, from early years to secondary.  Her passion for increasing race awareness led to training employees and Police officers, educating on unconscious bias, micro-aggressions, strength of allyship, and cause & effect.

In addition to this Jade has project managed several D&I initiatives with employees and the community, across a broad age range, partnering with multiple key stake holders such as UCAS, Apple and Motherwell Cheshire charity to deliver shared aims.  The initiatives were around improving diverse recruitment, uplifting public confidence, and supporting employee retention and career pathways with confidence and leadership coaching.

Jade has delivered Keynote speeches and is a confident public speaker.

Career Highlight
Jade founded and is the Chair of an Unincorporated Charitable Association that supports mothers from ethnic minority backgrounds, and challenges insufficient representation within maternity support and services.

She is also a Volunteer for the African Caribbean Leukemia Trust (ACLT) and founded an application scheme that stems across several Police forces to facilitate joining the Stem Cell Register, enabling people to possibly become someone’s last chance at survival.  Jade’s long contributions to the ACLT was recognised when she received ‘Volunteer of the Year’, and a Chief Constable’s Commendation.