If only 6% of DCS’s identify as Black, what is getting in the way for talented Black colleagues in children’s services to be great leaders?
Join a conversation to explore the key findings and recommendation from our research report ‘Breaking through the mistrust: Increasing diversity of leadership in children’s services’ and to discuss what sector leaders (Black or white), local authorities and other agencies can do to hear the messages and address the imbalance.
Liaquat Lal, Partner in our Leadership & Talent Consultancy team, will introduce the findings of our research, which was commissioned by Upon, supported by the Department for Education. Meera Spillett, former Director of Children’s Services, author of Black Leaders Missing in Action, Cultural Competence, and co-author of Leadership in Colour: the Fierce Urgency of Now, will talk about what senior leaders need to do now to enable talented Black Global Majority leaders to rise.
You can sign up to the event at: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/breaking-through-the-mistrust-tickets-165150773409?aff=ebdsoporgprofile