Scroll down to read the Welsh version of this guide.
Becoming a Non-Executive Director is an aspiration for many senior executives. It’s a great next step for your career, but where do you start in preparing, finding, applying and securing a NED role? As a leading executive search firm with specialisms in finding and placing Non-Executive directors, we know there are so many public board opportunities but too few people know about them, or how to go about securing one.
We recently ran an online seminar for aspiring Non-Executive Directors in the Welsh Public Sector where we shared tips and insights for those hoping to find out more about becoming a non-executive director, specifically serving on a public board in Wales.
We were delighted to be joined by Carys Williams, current chair of Age UK East Sussex and Non-Executive Director of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. She is also an Independent Member of the Welsh Government Board, Premiership Rugby’s Sporting Commission and IBAS. Carys shared her journey and insights into becoming a non-executive director..
Rosemary Baylis-West, Principal Consultant in our Central Government Practice and one of GatenbySanderson’s specialists in appointments in Wales, shared the following tips during the seminar, which forms the basis of this head hunter’s guide to becoming a NED:
Your CV
This is the factual document describing your experience to date and should include the following:
The first page
- Contact details at the top: include your nearest postal town, your email address, your phone number
- Top summary paragraph (3-4 sentences): describe the skills you offer that are transferable for a NED role (eg team leadership and teamworking, strategic work, anything on compliance / oversight that you have experienced previously, any relevant functional experience e.g. finance, HR, marketing). Describe your passion for / commitment to the public sector and public service. If you’re coming from outside the public sector, mention why you want to transfer your skills from another sector.
- Make the rest of the first page of your CV about your current role or current and most recent previous.
What to include about your roles
- As well as organisation name, your role title(s) and dates of employment, briefly describe the organisation for those who might be less familiar with it (turnover, number of employees, how your organisation fits within the wider public sector).
- Include two sections under your current role and your most recent previous: Key responsibilities and Key achievements.
- Key responsibilities – 3 to 4 bullet points drawing out team working / team leadership, strategic experience (anything you have led or been part of), any functional skills that will be of value on a board (eg finance, HR, risk), and anything relating to oversight / compliance.
- Key achievements – highlight 3 or 4 bullet point examples of where you’ve had impact – if possible relating those achievements back to people leadership / team working, strategy etc.
Second page
- Then prior roles, organisations and dates as a list with some descriptors.
- Include referees if you’re comfortable doing so. Select a couple of people who can speak to your teamworking ability – this could be a peer; it doesn’t have to be a line-manager.
Your letter of application / Statement of interest
This is the document that brings you to life, in particular your motivation and interest for this specific role:
- Keep it to 2 sides max and address it to the Chair of the Board you are looking to join.
- The first half of the first page should be focused on answering the question “why this organisation, why now” – demonstrating your motivation and interest. What have you noticed about them that’s interesting? Their strategy? Their plans for the future? What speaks to you about the mission and values of the organisation? Why are you looking for your first NED role and why are you passionate about them specifically. Talk about any lived experience or personal connection. Leave them in no doubt about why you have applied for this specific role. Demonstrate in the first half of the first page the thinking and research you have already done about the organisation you’re applying to. GS will support you with context conversations as a candidate. If you’re applying through another executive search firm, ask for a context conversation. If you’re applying direct to an advert, ask the organisation direct for a conversation.
- Then structure your paragraphs very specifically to match their person specification. Almost always, strategic abilities and the ability to challenge constructively will be named in the candidate pack; as will the ability to work as part of an effective Board team. Assert using active language that you offer this experience and then evidence it – e.g. I have worked effectively as part of teams of varying sizes in all of my recent roles and in many of my roles I have led teams. For example at x… I will bring an inclusive working culture to this role in x and y ways.
- Close your letter by reiterating your interest – link again to the values, mission, reiterate why this has spoken to you as an opportunity.
- Make clear you can fulfil the time commitment, make clear you can fulfil any other requirements of the role eg. travel involved with the role.
Your interview
- Go in confidently – they are already interested in you having seen your application and liked it.
- Treat this as a two-way process. You need to ensure that the fit is right for you as well.
- The interview will look for evidence that you can contribute to the organisation’s future, and test that you have the skills and instincts to challenge the organisation constructively and bring ideas and perspectives that will enhance it.
- Build on the motivation described in your letter. You will asked “why us / why this Board.” Build on what you said in your letter / statement. Share your wider reflections / research you have done about them and why it has deepened your interest. Show that you have continued finding out about them after submitting your application. Before your interview go and talk to some people involved with the organisation. Read widely about the organisation online. Share your findings at interview when you are describing your motivation and interest.
- Talk about why now – why do you feel ready and able to seek your first NED role? Demonstrate authentically that you really want this specific role, not just any NED role.
- Have the context conversations with the headhunter / with the organisation direct prior to interview to help you understand the organisation’s challenges and opportunities because the Panel will likely ask you what you think the challenges and opportunities are.
- In answering the questions on the organisation’s challenges and opportunities, describe them to the Panel in terms of short, medium and long term. The Panel will want to hear the unique perspectives you offer and get a sense of how you think.
- Questions might come up about the committees of the Board and which one you would like to be part of. Give some thought in advance to which Committee you would like to be on (eg Finance) and why. Talk about things you have done in your day job or prior roles that are transferable e.g. you can read balance sheets accurately and comment on cash flow risks, giving you the transferable skills to add immediate value on a Finance Committee.
- The Panel will likely ask you about your personal working culture and approach to team working. Go to the interview knowing what they need culturally – eg are they undergoing transformation, are they a start-up organisation? Ask the headhunter or the organisation direct what the organisation seeks from the Board team. You can then talk about relevant experiences from your executive career that could add value.
- What are you bringing that no-one else brings? Check over the other Board members’ profiles and talk about what you bring that might be different. This could be lived experience or an professional insight gained in a very different type of organisation – e.g. non public sector.
- In answering questions on diversity, equality and inclusion, describe your approach. Why do you believe it’s important both to you personally and to the organisation you’re looking to be part of? Play back some of their language to them. Evidence your approach and commitment through examples – start with a people example and then give one for the wider organisation. Also talk about lived experience where relevant.
Also consider the questions that you will ask them, if you are given the opportunity to ask questions, that will help you decide if the fit is right for you.
And finally…
- Stay resilient – many people have to apply for 15 or 20 roles before securing their first role. Ask for feedback as you participate in processes.
- Please network with Rosemary Baylis-West, our Central Government lead for Wales –
- Keep an eye on Public Appointments Wales, and the Public Appointments website for UK Government. Also keep an eye on the Boardroom Apprentice Scheme – a lot of people who have been apprentices have gone to get Board roles after going through their 12-month programme.
Mae cynifer o gyfleoedd i fod ar fyrddau cyhoeddus ar gael, ond does dim digon o bobl yn gwybod amdanyn nhw.
Yn ystod seminar GatenbySanderson ar gyfer pobl sy’n dyheu i fod yn Gyfarwyddwyr Anweithredol yn sector cyhoeddus Cymru, a gynhaliwyd ddydd Mawrth 16 Gorffennaf, rhannwyd awgrymiadau a chynghorion ar gyfer pobl sy’n dymuno cael gwybod mwy am wasanaethu ar fwrdd cyhoeddus yng Nghymru.
Roeddem wrth ein bodd bod Carys Williams, sy’n Gyfarwyddwr Anweithredol gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, wedi ymuno â ni i rannu ei thaith a’i mewnwelediad, a bwriedir i hyn fod yn ddigwyddiad blynyddol o hyn ymlaen. Rhannwyd y cynghorion canlynol gan Rosemary Baylis-West, Prif Ymgynghorydd yn ein Hadain Llywodraeth Ganol ac un o arbenigwyr GatenbySanderson ar benodiadau yng Nghymru:
Eich CV
Y ddogfen ffeithiol sy’n disgrifio’ch profiad hyd yma:
- Manylion cyswllt ar y brig – rhowch eich tref bost agosaf, eich cyfeiriad e-bost a’ch rhif ffôn.
- Paragraff crynhoi ar y brig (3-4 brawddeg): disgrifiwch y sgiliau sydd gennych i’w cynnig sy’n drosglwyddadwy i rôl Cyfarwyddwr Anweithredol (e.e. arwain timau a gweithio’n rhan o dîm, gwaith strategol, unrhyw beth o ran profiad blaenorol o gydymffurfiaeth / goruchwylio, unrhyw brofiad gweithredol blaenorol, e.e. cyllid, adnoddau dynol, marchnata). Disgrifiwch eich angerdd dros y sector cyhoeddus a gwasanaeth cyhoeddus a’ch ymrwymiad iddo. Os ydych yn dod o’r tu allan i’r sector cyhoeddus, soniwch pam eich bod am drosglwyddo’ch sgiliau o’r naill sector i’r llall.
- Ffocws gweddill tudalen gyntaf eich CV fydd eich rôl bresennol neu’ch rôl bresennol a’ch rôl flaenorol ddiweddaraf.
- Yn ogystal ag enw’r sefydliad, nodwch deitl(au) eich rôl(rolau) a dyddiadau’r gyflogaeth, gan ddisgrifio’r sefydliad ar gyfer pobl nad ydynt mor gyfarwydd ag ef (trosiant, nifer y gweithwyr, sefyllfa’ch sefydliad o’i gymharu â’r sector cyhoeddus ehangach)
- Dylech gynnwys dwy adran o dan eich rôl bresennol a’ch rôl flaenorol ddiweddaraf: Prif gyfrifoldebau a Phrif gyflawniadau.
- Prif gyfrifoldebau – 3 i 4 pwynt bwled yn amlygu gweithio’n rhan o dîm / arwain tîm, profiad strategol (unrhyw beth rydych chi wedi’i arwain neu wedi bod yn rhan ohono), unrhyw sgiliau gweithredol a allai fod o werth i fwrdd (e.e. cyllid, adnoddau dynol, risg), ac unrhyw beth yn ymwneud â goruchwyliaeth / cydymffurfiaeth.
- Prif gyflawniadau – amlygwch 3 neu 4 pwynt bwled i enghreifftio achlysur lle rydych chi wedi cael effaith – gan gysylltu’r cyflawniadau hynny nôl, os oes modd, i arwain pobl / gweithio’n rhan o dîm, strategaeth, ac ati.
- Yna nodwch rolau, sefydliadau a dyddiadau blaenorol, fel rhestr gydag ambell ddisgrifiad.
- Dylech gynnwys enwau canolwyr os ydych yn gyfforddus i wneud hynny. Dewiswch gwpwl o bobl sy’n gallu sôn am eich gallu i weithio’n rhan o dîm – gallai hyn fod yn gydweithiwr; nid oes rhaid cynnwys eich rheolwr llinell.
Eich llythyr cais / Datganiad o ddiddordeb
Y ddogfen sy’n dod â’ch cefndir yn fyw, yn arbennig yr hyn sy’n eich cymell a’ch ymddiddori yn y rôl benodol hon:
- Rhowch 2 ochr ar y mwyaf gan annerch Cadeirydd y Bwrdd rydych yn dymuno ymuno ag e.
- Ffocws hanner cyntaf y dudalen gyntaf ddylai fod ateb y cwestiwn “pam y sefydliad hwn a pham nawr” – gan ddangos eich cymhelliant a’ch diddordeb. Beth sydd wedi tynnu eich sylw atynt sydd o ddiddordeb? Eu strategaeth? Eu cynlluniau at y dyfodol? Beth sy’n eich taro am genhadaeth a gwerthoedd y sefydliad? Pam rydych chi’n chwilio am eich rôl gyntaf fel Cyfarwyddwr Anweithredol a pham rydych chi’n angerddol amdanyn nhw’n arbennig? Soniwch am eich profiad bywyd neu am gysylltiad personol. Peidiwch â gadael unrhyw amheuaeth am eich dymuniadau wrth ymgeisio am y rôl benodol hon. Dangoswch ar hanner cyntaf y dudalen pa waith meddwl ac ymchwil a wnaed gennych eisoes am y sefydliad rydych yn ymgeisio iddo. Bydd GS yn eich cynorthwyo gyda sgyrsiau cyd-destunol fel ymgeisydd. Os ydych yn ymgeisio drwy gwmni chwilio gweithredol arall, gofynnwch am sgwrs gyd-destunol. Os ydych yn ymgeisio’n uniongyrchol yn dilyn hysbyseb, gofynnwch am sgwrs uniongyrchol gyda’r sefydliad.
- Yna strwythurwch eich paragraffau’n benodol iawn i gyd-fynd â’u manyleb person. Bron yn ddieithriad, bydd sôn am alluoedd strategol a’r gallu i herio’n adeiladol yn y pecyn cais, ynghyd â’r gallu i weithio’n rhan o dîm Bwrdd effeithiol. Nodwch mewn iaith weithredol eich bod yn cynnig y profiad hwn ac yna rhoi tystiolaeth ohono – e.e. rwyf wedi gweithio’n effeithiol fel rhan o dimau o amrywiol faint ym mhob un o’m rolau blaenorol ac mewn llawer o’m rolau rwyf wedi arwain timau. Er enghraifft, yn X… dof â diwylliant o weithio cynhwysol i’r rôl hon drwy wneud X a Y.
- Terfynwch eich llythyr drwy ailnodi eich diddordeb – cysylltwch eto â’r gwerthoedd, y genhadaeth a nodi pam mae’r rhain wedi creu argraff arnoch chi a chyfleu cyfle.
- Sicrhewch eich bod yn gallu bodloni’r gofyniad amser. Nodwch y gallwch gyflawni unrhyw ofynion eraill sy’n gysylltiedig â’r rôl.
Eich cyfweliad
- Ewch i mewn yn hyderus – mae ganddynt ddiddordeb ynoch chi eisoes yn sgil gweld eich cais a’i hoffi.
- Ymdriniwch â hyn fel proses ddwy ffordd. Mae’n rhaid i chi sicrhau bod y rôl yn iawn i chi hefyd.
- Yn y cyfweliad bydd ymgais i chwilio am dystiolaeth y gallwch gyfrannu at ddyfodol y sefydliad, a phrofi bod gennych y sgiliau a’r reddf i herio’r sefydliad yn adeiladol a chynnig syniadau a safbwyntiau a fydd yn ei wella.
- Adeiladwch ar y cymhelliant a nodir yn eich llythyr. Cewch eich holi, “pam ni / pam y Bwrdd yma?” Adeiladwch ar yr hyn a nodoch yn eich llythyr / datganiad. Rhannwch y myfyrdodau / ymchwil ehangach a wnaed gennych amdanyn nhw a’r hyn sydd wedi dyfnhau eich diddordeb. Dangoswch eich bod wedi parhau i ddysgu amdanyn nhw ers cyflwyno’ch cais. Cyn eich cyfweliad, ewch i siarad ag ambell un sy’n gysylltiedig â’r sefydliad. Darllenwch yn eang am y sefydliad ar-lein. Rhannwch eich canfyddiadau yn y cyfweliad pan fyddwch chi’n disgrifio’ch cymhelliant a’ch diddordeb.
- Siaradwch am ‘pam nawr’ – pam rydych chi’n teimlo’n barod ac yn gallu chwilio am eich rôl gyntaf fel Cyfarwyddwr Anweithredol. Dangoswch mewn modd dilys eich bod wir am gael y rôl benodol hon, ac nid unrhyw rôl Cyfarwyddwr Anweithredol.
- Mynnwch sgyrsiau cyd-destunol gyda’r chwilydd / gyda’r sefydliad yn uniongyrchol cyn y cyfweliad er mwyn eich helpu i ddeall heriau a chyfleoedd y sefydliad am y bydd y Panel yn debygol o’ch holi am yr heriau a’r cyfleoedd yn eich tyb chi.
- Wrth ateb y cwestiynau am heriau a chyfleoedd y sefydliad, disgrifiwch nhw i’r Panel yn nhermau’r byrdymor, y tymor canolig a’r hirdymor. Bydd y Panel am glywed y safbwyntiau unigryw sydd gennych i’w cynnig a chael ymdeimlad o’ch ffordd o feddwl.
- Gallai cwestiynau godi am bwyllgorau’r Bwrdd a pha un yr hoffech fod yn rhan ohono. Ystryiwch ymlaen llaw pa bwyllgor yr hoffech wasanaethu arno (e.e. cyllid) a pham. Soniwch am bethau rydych wedi’u gwneud yn eich swydd o ddydd i ddydd neu mewn rolau blaenorol y gellir eu trosglwyddo e.e. gallwch ddarllen mantolenni’n gywir a chynnig sylwadau am risgiau llif arian, sy’n dangos bod gennych y sgiliau trosglwyddadwy i ychwanegu gwerth ar unwaith i Bwyllgor Cyllid.
- Mae’n debygol y bydd y Panel yn gofyn i chi am eich diwylliant gwaith personol a’ch ymagwedd at weithio’n rhan o dîm. Ewch i’r cyfweliad gyda gwybodaeth am yr hyn sydd ei angen arnynt yn ddiwylliannol – e.e. a oes camau trawsnewid ar y gweill ganddynt, ai sefydliad newydd ydyn nhw? Gofynnwch i’r chwilydd neu’r sefydliad yn uniongyrchol beth sy’n ofynnol ar y sefydliad gan dîm y Bwrdd. Yna, gallwch sôn am brofiadau perthnasol o’ch gyrfa weithredol a allai ychwanegu gwerth.
- Beth gallwch chi ei gynnig nad oes neb arall yn ei gynnig? Gwiriwch broffiliau aelodau eraill o’r Bwrdd a soniwch am yr hyn y gallwch ei gynnig a allai fod yn wahanol. Gallai hyn fod yn brofiad bywyd neu’n fewnwelediad proffesiynol a gafwyd mewn math gwahanol iawn o sefydliad – e.e. nid y sector cyhoeddus.
- Wrth ateb cwestiynau am amrywiaeth, cydraddoldeb a chynhwysiant, disgrifiwch eich ymagwedd. Pam mae’n bwysig i chi’n bersonol ac yn broffesiynol ac i’r sefydliad rydych yn dymuno bod yn rhan ohono? Defnyddiwch rywfaint o’u hiaith nhw iddyn nhw. Rhowch dystiolaeth o’ch ymagwedd a’ch ymrwymiad drwy enghreifftiau – gan ddechrau gydag enghraifft am bobl ac yna un ar gyfer y sefydliad yn ehangach. Hefyd, soniwch am brofiad bywyd lle y bo’n berthnasol.
Hefyd, ystyriwch y cwestiynau y byddwch yn eu gofyn iddyn nhw, os ydych yn cael cyfle i holi, a fydd yn eich helpu i benderfynu a yw’n gyfatebiad addas i chi.
Cofiwch wytnwch – mae llawer o bobl yn gorfod ymgeisio am 15 i 20 o rolau cyn bachu eu rôl gyntaf. Gofynnwch am adborth wrth i chi ymgymryd â phrosesau.
Rhwydweithiwch gyda Rosemary Baylis-West, ein harweinydd Llywodraeth Ganol dros Gymru –
Cadwch lygad ar Dudalen Penodiadau Cyhoeddus Cymru (, a gwefan Penodiadau Cyhoeddus Llywodraeth y DU.
Hefyd, cadwch lygad ar gynllun y Boardroom Apprentice Scheme – – mae llawer o bobl sydd wedi bod yn brentisiaid wedi mynd ymlaen i fachu rolau Bwrdd ar ôl mynychu eu rhaglen 12-mis.