Finance Director

Barnet Education & Learning Service

  • Sector Local Government
  • Client Barnet Education & Learning Service
  • Job Type Permanent
  • Salary/Remuneration £96,794 - £107,286
  • Reference GSe119038
  • Closing Date Friday 21st February 2025

Barnet Education and Learning Service (BELS) has been very successful since its formation in September 2020 in giving quality support, monitoring and challenge to all the schools and settings in Barnet and fulfilling all of the educational statutory duties on behalf of Barnet Council. We have a very strong partnership with our schools, settings and other stakeholders and work extremely closely with our colleagues in other parts of the Council.

As a company it is vital that we fulfil all the requirements of a limited company, including compliance and ensuring our contracts are monitored and reported effectively. Finances need to be managed carefully to ensure we meet the financial targets set to us by Barnet Council. We trade our services widely with schools and this brings in much needed additional income. As an effective company, in a Borough which is very successful educationally, there is huge potential for growing our services. The Director of Finance reports directly to the Chief Executive of BELS, is a member of the Senior Management Team and attends the BELS Board of Directors Meetings. They work closely with the other Service Directors and Heads of Service.

This is a unique opportunity for an aspiring and successful person, with experience of both company finance and school/DSG finance. Currently the Schools DSG Team sits within the Council. The successful candidate will lead the process of producing an options appraisal which may lead to the School DSG responsibilities moving within the remit for BELS and a suitable team recruited to the necessary posts created, led by the Director of Finance.

You will need to be a dynamic, innovative and highly organised person with a strong financial background who is able to maintain and build on our excellent work to date as a limited company. You will have good experience of budget planning and budget monitoring and excellent problem solving skills. An understanding of basic company law and governance would be helpful.

As Director you will make a direct contribution to the leadership of BELS, deputising for the Chief Executive where required. 

  • Closing date for applications: 12.00pm Friday 21st February 2025
  • Shortlisting w/b 24th February 2025
  • Interviews: w/b 3rd March 2025

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Frazer Thouard: 07384 810 743

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